Sunday, January 25, 2009
Muscial Inspiration - Do it Anyway
Music is one way that I find inspiration. I hope this inspires you.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our 44th President
With Prayerful Hearts
Today at 1:21pm
As of this afternoon, we have a new President. I had hoped that the 44th President would be a guy named Huckabee, but that didn’t happen. I don’t lament the results of the election, I celebrate the process of our great Republic that gives us the privilege and responsibility of voting and choosing our leaders.I have stated repeatedly that I will pray for the new President in the same way that I would have desired for my fellow citizens to pray for me had I been successful. I know that some, even on this blog, have been hesitant to commit to pray for and support the new President. I believe that it is my Christian duty to respect the office, to honor the process that led to the selection of the President, and to seek to put my country and its best interest above that of my party or even myself. I might find myself in disagreement in some of the policies that President Obama puts forth, but I will express my disagreement in the spirit of respect and civility that I wish had met President Bush when his critics disagreed with him.Today, I am above all an American. A proud one. Proud that we have transitioned power without soldiers, bayonets, or bloodshed. I celebrate America. Now, the task is to stand more firm than ever in the convictions that life is precious and is the basis of liberty. I will work to elect good men and women to help shape this nation. It will be a long journey. I hope you’re ready to join me.Prayerfully,Mike Huckabee
Monday, January 19, 2009
Problem finders vs. Problem Solvers
Be a problem solver, not a problem finder!
Click here for article
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Book Review - Love is the Killer App

I read this book on a suggestion from a friend as it was first published in 2002. I found the book to be an easy read. I appreciated the way in which Tim outlined three ways to win business through: Knowledge, Network, and Compassion.
Our tasks as business people is to gain more business, especially in today's economy. But, not just to get business - but KEEP business over the long term. Tim does a nice job defining these things. For example, to keep customers long term, you must add value to them. He defines added value as: "The value with you inside a situation is greater than the value without you". He also defines the people who do this "love business" (the act of intelligently and sensibly sharing your intangibles with biz partners) as 'Lovecats'. Don't know that I want to be called a lovecat, but he gets his point across.
Some key takeways from me in this book:
Knowledge is important, but you can't add value if you don't SHARE it!
Your network's value is equivalent to the square of the number of people in it. Again, though, it must be SHARED
Compassion is the glue that holds the Knowledge and the Network together. It is the way we will win hearts and influence people in today's world.
I really enjoyed this book and intend to share it with others. If you would like to have a copy, let me know. I'll send one to the first person who responds to this post!
In my last review, I shared my rating system as 'dogears'. How many pages did I dogear to go back and search the key action points available? Love is the Killer App gets a 9 dogears rating (out of 10), so I highly suggest this read.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Is there such thing as an ideal work week?
One of the biggest differences in my real estate career thus far, compared to manufacturing has been the lack of structure. I have worked hard trying to force the structure and have had to make adjustments in many ways. But, there are still things that need to happen every day and every week and every month to achieve my goals. So, I have added a daily productivity review and weekly productivity review.
Daily @ 10:00 p.m.:
Email inbox to zero (yes, it is possible)
Review Google/reader (blogs I follow)
Review voice mail
Read book
Weekly on Monday mornings @ 9:00:
Team weekly task
Review supraekey data (showings of our listings)
Load in open house contacts
Care cards (2 minimum)
Clean out Read, Answer, File emails
Sync blackberry
Add in new phone numbers
Review coaching journal, notebook, post-its for activities needed added to task list or completed.
Review Top Producer(contact and listing plan manager) tasks for any past due items on calendar
Of course, there are many other items in the list (family time, exercise, meetings, etc.), but these seem to be the items I need to get done on a very regular basis to stay ahead and continue to grow.
A lot of folks would refer to this as too 'structured', but this seems to be how I am wired and most productive. Certainly, I am not naive enough to believe that these things will happen 100% of the time at the same day and time, but it is my shot at an ideally productive week.
How do you organize your time? What am I missing?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Proud Papa - Joseph serves as Honor Guard before NCAA championshilp game
Click here to see - He is the scout with the tan shirt on in the middle of the photo behind the VA state flag!
Way to go Joseph!!