When Chris and I first got married, I brought along the "Bud Light" bottle bank when we moved to St. Louis. When we got some extra pocket change, we 'deposited' it in the bank. Over the first few years of marriage, we had enough Pocket Change that added up to buy a new TV, and have spending money on a trip that we made. Pocket Change can add up.
In relationships, we have Pocket Change. When I spoke to a group of college students a few years back, I used a story that I had learned about Pocket Change and relationships. You see, when we build relationships, we, in essence, build up Pocket Change. Each time we build a relationship - be affirming, write a note, even smile - we build up our pocket change in that relationship.
We can also lose that pocket change. When we lie, talk about someone behind their back, or don't keep a commitment, we lose that pocket change through a 'hole' in the pocket...and it's HARD to get it back. You need some help from someone, you reach in to your 'pocket' for some change and find the hole and only pull out lint! So, don't deplete your pocket change with your relationships due to lack of character, integrity, and trust. It takes a while to build it back up! But, when you do build up your Pocket Change, the payoff can be enormous!!
With this post, I am going to start a snippet on Pocket Change - small leadership tips, quotes, stories, that I hope can add value to your life.
So, is your pocket change building up, or is there a hole in your pocket?!
Great post. I did the same thing and it helped pay for our move to Virginia. We have started over since then, but it will be worth it in the long run.