Monday, June 30, 2008
Independence Day - More tears!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
"We must all suffer from 1 of 2 pains"
"We must suffer from 1 of 2 pains: 1) The pain of Discipline 2) The pain of Regret. The difference is...Discipline weighs ounces, but Regret weighs TONS!!! " Bill Hart - Coach at Building Champions.
Which pain do you suffer from? I don't think I like my answer alot of the times!!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
What was I thinking?
What are some of the things that I think about?
- Well, I often think about how I can cut the grass in the least waste pattern. How can I knock off 5 minutes each time I cut the grass?
- I think of other things that need to be done around the house
- I think of ideas to improve current business ideas
- I think of new business ideas
- I also think of relationships I have that may not be going the way I want and how I can improve those relationships. How I can provide feedback to someone with whom I want to grow
The problem is...by the time I am done cutting the grass, I have forgotten all of those thoughts and have not documented them. This could be the direct result of too many long nights in college!! In any event, I need to figure out a way to capture these thoughts. I can't take action on them if I can't remember them!!! I hope I am not the only person who suffers from this phenomenon called "Short-term memory loss brought on by many good times in college"!!
Maybe I need a peaceful place. I could take John Maxwell's advice and have a 'thinking chair', but the problem with a comfy thinking chair is that they are better for NAPS!!
I guess I will have to start carrying a notebook or recorder with me and stop the lawnmower several times and write the ideas down, or speak them into the recorded. (There goes that idea of taking 5 minutes off each time!). However, if I were THINKING, it may actually be more beneficial if it took me 15 minutes LONGER to cut the grass, while capturing all of the thoughts...Hmmmm...
Questions for thoughts this week:
- Where are you when you are 'thinking' your best ideas? I don't think you have to find this place as Maxwell suggests to 'Find a thinking place'. I believe it already exists and we are just not AWARE of it consciously.
- What do you do to capture those thoughts so they don't get lost? Do you need to carry around a notebook or recorder? I do!
- Most importantly, are you acting on those documented thoughts? Do you make time in your schedule to reflect on these ideas, bounce them off your priorities, and decide whether the thoughts need to be turned into action?
I hope you all have a great week. If you want to keep receiving this without an email, just subscribe by entering your email address into the top left spot on the blog.
John Gallagher
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What makes you cry?
Until the 60 third graders stood up and sang their class song: My Wish by Rascal Flatts. As I watched my son, I got chill bumps up and down my arms - and a tear or two flowed down my cheek - they are welling up as I type this today. In case you haven't heard it, here are the words to the chorus:
Sunday, June 8, 2008
SiMPLE LEADERSHiP - Intentional Relationship Building
One of the things that I believe is that Life is about relationships, the rest is just details. However, if I don't focus on the details of initiating, building, and maintaining relationships, then relationships suffer.
And so, here I am. Starting a 'blog'. I don't claim to be an expert on this, so I may miss some of the 'details'. It is my goal with this blog, though, to share my story. It is built with YOU in mind. AND, it is built with ME in mind as well. With this blog, I hope to add value to your life, and in turn, you will respond with things that are on your heart as well.
Why the title "SiMPLE LEADERSHiP"? As I was dreaming this up, I looked on my nightstand at the two books I was currently reading and took a word from each. I will discuss the books more in the future. Those who know me well can probably guess one of the authors! You also know that leadership development and focus (aka, simple) are core values I live by.
If you are reading this, you have made an impact on my life in a positive way. It is my hope that you will 'stay in touch' by reading it. If you are moved, respond to it by clicking on the envelope or the 'comments' below. If you want to keep getting it, subscribe to it by clicking on 'Posts' below.
I want to be more 'intentional' at keeping in touch. This is just one tool for me to do that.
Question(s) for action:
- Who in your life have you committed to 'stay in touch' with?
- What are you doing, iNTENTiONALLY, to build that relationship...one small detail at a time?
Your friend, John Gallagher