Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Passion - How to get your 'mojo' back in 2010!

Webster defines Passion as "mean intense emotion compelling action."  There are many ways to define it.

"Dr. Evil" defined it here:

For me, having Passion about something or someone is a deep feeling in my heart or pit of my stomach that drives me to do something about it resulting in a positive change.  I can say that I have passion for something, but if I do nothing about it, then I am only dreaming or complaining. 

In tough economic times like the ones most of us went through in 2009, it is possible to lose our Passion (capital 'P' for emphasis).  I was reviewing my Maxwell Leadership Bible recently and John Maxwell had an excerpt about Passion.  It had some great tips on increasing Passion:

Passion makes for an effective ministry (your ministry can and should be your job, your hobbies, your relationships).  So, how can you increase your Passion?
  1. Take your temperature.  Get an honest assessment from those closest to you.  Are you passionate about what you do?  You can't start a fire in your organization, home, church, etc., unless it first burns in you.
  2. Return to your first 'love'.  Many leaders allow life to push them off track.  Think back to when you were most passionate.  What drove you?  What made you enthusiastic?
  3. Associate with people of passion.  Birds of a feather flock together.  Hot coals stay hot when they remain in the fire.  Find passionate people and let them rub off on you.

So, how are you going to get your Passion back in 2010?  How are you going to re-light that fire?  Get back your 'mojo' in 2010!  We will all be better off for it.

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