With Prayerful Hearts
Today at 1:21pm
As of this afternoon, we have a new President. I had hoped that the 44th President would be a guy named Huckabee, but that didn’t happen. I don’t lament the results of the election, I celebrate the process of our great Republic that gives us the privilege and responsibility of voting and choosing our leaders.I have stated repeatedly that I will pray for the new President in the same way that I would have desired for my fellow citizens to pray for me had I been successful. I know that some, even on this blog, have been hesitant to commit to pray for and support the new President. I believe that it is my Christian duty to respect the office, to honor the process that led to the selection of the President, and to seek to put my country and its best interest above that of my party or even myself. I might find myself in disagreement in some of the policies that President Obama puts forth, but I will express my disagreement in the spirit of respect and civility that I wish had met President Bush when his critics disagreed with him.Today, I am above all an American. A proud one. Proud that we have transitioned power without soldiers, bayonets, or bloodshed. I celebrate America. Now, the task is to stand more firm than ever in the convictions that life is precious and is the basis of liberty. I will work to elect good men and women to help shape this nation. It will be a long journey. I hope you’re ready to join me.Prayerfully,Mike Huckabee
I will do my part as an American to honor the position of the President, pray for him and our other leaders, and hope for real change in these tough times.
I struggle with the thought of the new President leading our country for the simple fact that his views to not align with mine.
ReplyDeleteI pray to the Good Lord that he changes his view on partial birth abortion and stops the innocent slaying of unborn chidren.
As I have watched Barack on the news time and time again speak of change and hope, I too hope that this change happens.
I agree with this to the fullest. I get a lot of people upset with me when I tell them that I liked President Bush. I also get them mad when I say I don't agree with President Obama on a great deal of his policies and beliefs. They don't hear when I say but I will support him in what he does and will speak up when what he does is not right. Most Obama supporters that I have come to know are one sided and of one mind. They appear to think that someone who has an opinion different than theirs is wrong and that we want our country to fail.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have to say about this is that our country won't fail because we all have opinions and some of those opinions are different. If we all thought alike then when something was done that could harm the country it would never get corrected or worse yet could bring the end to our free country as we know it.
What the conclusion to this entry comes down to is...Let us all have a say and let us disagree with a peaceful debate and what is right, no matter what side it's from, will prevail.
God Bless Our New President and God Bless America the greatest country on earth!