Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When was the last time you said...

"Today was the best day of my life!"?

I would have to say it has been a while for me. When Joseph got home from his second day of school and Mom& Dad asked him how his day was, we got the typical response "Good." Then, I told Joseph that the Lego he ordered came in the mail. All of a sudden, it was "The best day of my entire life!". His elation was genuine and spontaneous.

Those are the little things in life that make for the best days of my life!

What would it take for you to say that it was the "BEST day of your life" with genuine enthusiasm. What is your 'lego'? Even better, what would it take for us to wake up every morning and say "This is GOING to be the BEST day of my life!"

Or, are our expectations so out of whack that it would take a small miracle rather than making someone else smile, having someone tell you 'thank you' or 'I appreciate you'.

Better yet, why don't you make it someone else's BEST day of their life by doing one of the things above. Give 'em a Lego Separatist Spider Droid!!

1 comment:

  1. My Best Day keeps giving.....and giving.

    Last year my 11 year old grandson traveled with Pat and I on Amtrak to Montana. The trip was 25 hours long and required overnight on the train. My grandson Braeden woke up just at first light somewhere in western North Dakota. He looked out the window and saw what he thought were 2 cowboys on horses waving as the train went by. His comment was, "grandpa, this is the best trip ever."

    One year later he still tells the story of his best trip ever with his grandma and grandpa.

    Each time I hear him tell the story, for me it's the "Best Day Ever," again and again.
